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Having Headaches? Grinding Your Teeth At Night?

An NTI may be the solution for you to help you rest easy and stop jaw pain

NTI McKinney Dentist

NTI Headache, Tooth Grinding, and Migraine Treatment

Headaches, and more specifically migraine headaches, can ruin your life. The throbbing pain, nausea, and sensitivity to light make every day activities such as driving, working, and caring for your family virtually impossible.

Oftentimes, prescription drugs can remedy migraines, but these have side effects, and simply aren’t the best solution for many folks.

The doctors at McKinney Dentist offer effective migraine headache treatment without the use of drugs. It’s called NTI-tss™ Plus – a small oral appliance that delivers big results.

What causes migraines?

  • Many people who experience migraine headaches grind their teeth and clench their jaws. Typically, this activity occurs during sleep, so the sufferers aren’t aware of what they’re doing.
  • Grinding and clenching aggravates the trigeminal nerve, a facial nerve that affects three areas: the eyes and forehead, upper jaw, and lower jaw.
  • In reaction to stress, the trigeminal becomes overstimulated, causing migraines and other chronic discomfort.

How does NTI-tss Plus alleviate migraine headaches?

NTI-tss stands for Nociceptive Trigeminal Inhibition tension suppression system. The name is a mouthful, but the device isn’t. It’s actually a very small piece of custom-molded acrylic that fits comfortably between your front teeth.

NTI-tss Plus prevents your teeth from coming together and your jaw muscles from engaging when you bite down. The stressed trigeminal nerve gets much needed rest, and quickly returns to normal function.

NTI-tss Plus is FDA-approved to treat migraine pain, and available at McKinneyDentist.com. Any one of our doctors can custom-fit these oral appliances to give residents of McKinney and surrounding areas relief from migraine pain.

We believe that every patient has a right to our very best.

We are dedicated to offering the best dental care to our neighbors in McKinney, TX and surrounding areas such as Plano, Allen, Frisco, Prosper, and the greater Dallas/Fort Worth region.
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