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Post-Op Instructions for Crowns

  • Temporaries are not strong. They may break or come off occasionally. If so, slip it back on the tooth with some Fixodent™ (denture adhesive), and call our McKinney dentist office for an appointment. Please do not leave the temporary out of your mouth because the teeth will move and the final restoration will not fit. Please floss as directed.
  • The size, shape, and color of the temporary does not resemble the final restoration.
  • Temporary restorations may leak saliva or food onto the tooth. Sensitivity to hot, cold, pressure, or sweets is not uncommon. If you feel the bite is not correctly balanced, please call for an appointment for a simple adjustment.

Permanent Crowns

  • After the final cementation of your restoration, it may take a few days to get used to the new crown or bridge. Hot and cold sensitivity is possible for a few weeks and occasionally lasts for several months. As with the temporary, if the bite doesn’t feel balanced, please call us.
  • Do not chew hard or sticky foods on the restoration for 24 hours from the time they were cemented. The cement must set up during this time to have optimum strength.
  • Proper brushing, flossing, and regular 6-month (minimal) cleanings are required to help you retain your final restoration. The only area that a crowned tooth can decay is at the edge of the crown at the gum line. Often, small problems that develop around the restorations can be found at an early stage and corrected easily, but waiting for a longer time may require redoing the entire restoration.

Important Information on Crowns

  • Gold and porcelain crowns are the same for practically all cases, except that porcelain can chip. Approximately 1 out of every 100 porcelain crowns chip and need replacement. This will never happen with gold crowns. This should be taken into consideration when choosing between a porcelain and gold crown.

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