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Avoid chipped teeth – Do not use them as tools

by | dental emergency, Dental Implants, Uncategorized

Want to know the best way to avoid chipping your teeth or cracking a tooth?

Dr. Jeff Lynch of Mckinney Dentist in Mckinney, TX spends this video teaching you what you can chew and want you can’t. Here’s the bottom line: Turkey leg is ok, plastic tag ties are not! Watch the video to see what we mean!

Our teeth are meant to chew food. It’s when we use them as tools for everyday tasks such as cutting through plastic or tape or any other household item, that we can run into big trouble. Your teeth are more delicate that you think. They may already be in a weakened state and pulling on something they shouldn’t might result in a chip that can ruin your day.

And, of course, you need to be careful when you eat. Don’t chew the ice in your drinks and watch out for the shells of nuts, bones, and other hard things that can be found in food. Remember, your teeth are actually more more delicate that you think!

Repairing a Chipped Tooth

If you’re like most of our patients in the North Texas area, you’ll rest easier knowing a little something about the processes behind getting your teeth repaired. One of the most effective techniques we have at our disposal is Tooth Bonding.

What Is Tooth Bonding?

So, you see, from the foods and drinks every day to unforeseen facial trauma, there are many threats to the health and integrity of our teeth. Though there are many threats to our teeth, one of the common and most affordable dental procedures is versatile enough to address many of those threats. Got a chipped tooth? A cracked tooth? A worn tooth? Tooth bonding can treat these issues and more. Take a look at the tooth bonding procedure to find out how this versatile solution can have you maintain or elevate your smile.

Preparing for Tooth Bonding

Depending on the purpose of the bond and the condition of the teeth being improved, you may need to have some prep work done before bonding begins:

Anesthesia – you may need local anesthesia if the nerve of the tooth has been exposed. If the nerve of the tooth is still protected, you can get through the tooth bonding procedure pain-free without medication.

Reshaping – a broken or chipped tooth may need to be reshaped before bonding begins. Reshaping can help with adhesion.

Cleaning – if the tooth is decaying, your dentist will need to clean the tooth before bonding. Your dentist will likely need to reshape the tooth and fill the hole caused by tooth decay.

Applying the Bonding Resin

Once the tooth has been prepared, your dentist will roughen the area of the tooth where the bonding resin will be applied. From there, the dentist will apply a conditioning liquid to the teeth to further enhance the bond with the resin. After the teeth have been conditioned, the dentist will apply the resin to the tooth, mold the resin and then cure it with laser or UV light.


For badly damaged teeth, bonding may not be the best choice. In those cases, a dental crown is often the better choice. Let’s get you into the office asap to find out.

Get Treatment for a Chipped Tooth in McKinney, TX

Take a moment to schedule a consultation with a local dentist to learn more about your options for treating a discolored, broken, crack, worn or chipped tooth in McKinney, TX.

About Dr. Jeff Lynch

Most of my focus has been in the area of Esteem Dental Implants and tissue augmentation and regeneration. These procedures allow me to help patients regain lost teeth, gum tissue, and bone that they’ve lost due to dental disease or trauma.

I’ve replaced thousands of lost teeth with these implants allowing people to chew and smile with confidence. But nothing compares to the life changing results I help people achieve with the Esteem Dental Implant protocol. Being able to end a patient’s lifetime of dental problems, literally overnight, is an amazing feeling. My team and I really bond with these people as we see them change. Being able to give patients new confidence and self-esteem is something few dentists ever get the chance to experience. And we have the opportunity every week!



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Dental Implant Pricing Guide

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Dental Implants McKinney TX

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How much do dental implants cost at McKinney Dentist?

The cost of dental implants is a popular topic. Dr. Jeff Lynch, the leading dental implant expert in the McKinney, TX area, will send you a pricing guide with costs and invite you for a free exam and consultation (A $550 value). Download the pdf and learn all about the costs of dental implants.

The McKinney Dentist Approach To Dental Implants

A dental implant is the ideal solution for replacing missing teeth. Learn why so many of your neighbors in the McKinney and surrounding areas rely on the best dental implant clinic in the region. Click here to see what you can expect when you work with Dr. Jeff Lynch of McKinneyDentist.com. 

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