In some cases, it’s the overgrowth of gums. In other cases, some of the teeth are just naturally shorter than others. In either of these cases, the result is generally the same: a gummy smile. Many people spend years trying to avoid smiling or augmenting their smile to look less gummy when they could have a lasting fix in a matter of days. Take a look at what a dentist can do to fix your gummy smile and then keep the conversation going by consulting with a cosmetic dentist in McKinney, TX.

Gum Lift – Show More of Your Teeth

Gum disease is one of the top causes of gum overgrowth and inflammation, which can make teeth appear shorter than they are. Other causes of gum overgrowth include chronic illnesses such as diabetes and Crohn’s disease.

A gum lift exposes more of each tooth obscured by gum overgrowth, without exposing the roots of the teeth. The procedure entails lifting the gum tissue, possibly removing excess gum tissue and then recontouring the gums so that they show off more of your pearly whites. This procedure is sometimes referred to as aesthetic crown lengthening because it appears that the crowns, the visible portion of teeth, are being lengthened.

Porcelain Veneers – Lengthen Your Teeth

In many cases, some of the teeth are actually shorter, stubbier than others. Exposing more of the shorter teeth won’t change how they appear in proportion to longer teeth. So, the shorter teeth need to get a little longer and porcelain veneers can do just that.

Veneers are thin sheets of tooth-colored material, typically porcelain, that are bonded to the visible surfaces of teeth. They can hide stains on teeth, cracks, chips and they can even make teeth longer. Placing veneers is a relatively straightforward procedure that can be done in just a couple of dental appointments.

Talk to a Cosmetic Dentist in McKinney, TX

Take a minute to schedule a consultation with a cosmetic dentist in McKinney, TX to learn more about what to expect from a gum lift or any other cosmetic dental procedure.