I bet you haven’t tried this one yet.

From meal-prep to laundry, to taking the kids to soccer practice, life gets busy. Any couple can drift apart but parents? Well, that’s a whole other ballgame. Free time never turns to me time and date nights usually include the kids or a not-so-convenient errand. But listen here, we have a secret way to reconnect with your other half, even in the middle of the chaos.

Did you know that your smile plays a big part in his attraction to you? Yes, you may have other more attractive features, but in studies across the country, men consistently report that when their spouse smiles confidently, they feel more connected.

Maybe it’s because it’s a sign of making you happy? Maybe it’s infectious? Or maybe it communicates a more enthusiastic, youthful and confident you that he doesn’t always see through the hubbub.

No matter what the reason, we know that your smile opens the door to really seeing the inner, fun and wonderful you. If you’re not happy with your smile, you’re probably not using it as much as you should. If you’re hiding it, you’re holding back.

Yes, you can use a busy life and a long checklist as an excuse. Or, you can see how dramatic of a difference a beautiful new smile, and your new-found confidence can take your relationship to new heights. Just see how happy our patients are after they decided to take a little me time to reflect on their smiles.

Dr. Berlin is a trusted cosmetic dentist who will listen to your unique needs and wants before crafting a personalized treatment plan. If you’re on the fence, that’s okay. Come in for a consultation or send in a picture and receive a complimentary virtual consultation. Reconnecting with your husband is just a call away.

Take the first step towards a happier you and a happier marriage!

Schedule Your Consultation Today!

Meet Dr. Marvin Berlin

As far back as I can remember, I always knew I would be a dentist. I remember telling my mom in the fifth grade that one day I would be a dentist, and from that day forward, I knew in my heart that’s what I’d do. I grew up in a very small town, Santa Fe, Texas (just outside of Galveston, Texas). After school and during the summers while I was in high school, I worked as a Dental Assistant. I loved it. After graduating from Santa Fe High School, I attended The University of Texas in Austin, where I received a BBA in Business Management. While at U.T. I served as President of the Beta Kappa chapter of Delta Sigma Pi, professional business fraternity. To this day, I keep up with my fraternity brothers … thank you, Facebook. Also at U.T., I served as an R.A. (Resident Assistant) in a non-air-conditioned dorm. I think this is why we currently keep it so cold in our office. In addition, I walked-on to the U.T. Baseball team, playing second base, and center field. I soon realized it was either baseball or dentistry … and although I was a pretty decent opposite field hitter, I’m much better with a hand-piece in my hand than a 34″ Louisville Slugger.

After graduating from U.T., I was accepted to all three dental schools in Texas. (UT San Antonio, UT Houston, and Baylor in Dallas) The only thing I really knew about Dallas at the time was that this is where we played our arch-rival- OU, the show “Dallas” and of course, the Dallas Cowboys. While visiting Dallas and interviewing at Baylor, I fell in love with North Texas and knew this was the place for me. It felt like home, so I chose Baylor College of Dentistry in Dallas.